Portfolio Management (PMG)
Instrument and portfolio valuation center
PMG enables you to import and store static and market data for all financial instruments under your management, serving as a center point of INvest2 system – from daily valuations and synchronization with the custodian, to portfolio breakdown and analysis. High level of flexibility is ensured in terms of user defined parameters, fee calculations and authorization levels.
Central financial instrument database
Feeding other modules with data required for user defined analysis, ensuring data uniformity and across different analytical procedures of INvest2 system. Supports automatic data feed imports from major data feed providers.
Client Management
Central client account database
Client management enables you to manage client accounts, keep track of their holdings, activities, transfers, subscriptions, redemptions and consequential fees. Personal information are centralized, and each person in the system can be given specific attributes and roles – a person can be natural, legal, craftsman, branch office, customer, client, shareholder, agent and representative, partner in financial transaction, bank etc. E-mail, CRM and SMS functionalities ensure efficient communication with clients, while provisioning and web sales functionalities ensure efficient sales channels management.
- INvest2 Client Management Basic Module: Basic client management module for managing client data, personal accounts and transactions.
- INvest2 Client Management Investment funds Module: Serves as an upgrade to basic client management module with customized functionalities for investment fund companies. Supporting various types of requests (unit purchase, redemption, transfer) and various products (savings and investment plans, periodical purchases, periodical redemption, support for unit classes etc.).
- INvest2 Client Management Mandatory pension funds Module: Serves as an upgrade to basic client management module with customized functionalities for mandatory pension fund companies. Enables easy two-way communication with central registry (REGOS in Croatia, MAPAS in Macedonia), as well as business process automatization during mass processing in multiple portfolio fund environment (A, B, C fund categories).
- INvest2 Client Management Voluntary pension funds Module: Serves as an upgrade to basic client management module with customized functionalities for voluntary pension fund companies. Adjusted to work with individual contracts, pension schemes (collective contracts) and closed-end funds. Supports the entire business processes, starting with individual and employer payments and ending with pension and beneficiary payments.
- INvest2 Client Management Pension Insurance Module: This module is used by Pension Insurance companies for managing pension payments, providing various types of pension contracts (lifetime pension, pension with a spouse, pension with beneficiaries etc.) and covering processes from pension payment calculation till pension payouts.
- INvest2 Client Management Central Register Module: This module is used by central state company for managing all members of the second pension pillar. Enables multiple portfolio management and connectivity to other institutions (i.e. tax administration for managing payments as well as central civil register).
- INvest2 Program Withdrawals Module: Designed for managing program withdrawals within pensions, by enabling users to define payout plans (amounts and frequency) for each individual account.
- INvest2 Agent and Commissioning Module: This module enables definition of multi-level agent hierarchy, definition of various algorithms and calculating commissioning fees, calculation of commission values and preparation for the commission payment.
- INvest2 Web-Sales Module: Web module for points of sale (bank counters, sales agencies) and for fund members. Supports client registration and application along with gathering client data (according to MiFiD II, AML, CRS and FATCA rules), unit purchase and redemption requests, while providing information regarding client transactions, balance overview, reporting, etc.
- INvest2 E-mail Module: Automatizes e-mail messaging, notifying clients about payments and personal accounts, as well as automated birthday and other greeting cards.
- INvest2 SMS Module: Automatizes SMS messaging, notifying clients about payments and personal accounts, as well as automated birthday and other greeting cards.
- INvest2 Tax Module: Supports tax calculation and regulatory reporting of capital gains taxation.
- INvest2 FATCA & CRS Module: Enables FATCA & CRS reporting, including integrated interfaces with NORKOM or Siron systems.
- INvest2 AML Module: Designed for prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. Enables customization of definition, calculation and overview of suspicious transactions and clients.
- INvest2 CRM Module: Designed for managing basic client account activities (data administration and basic reports printing), while providing basic client and fund information, managing client campaigns etc.
- INvest2 GDPR Module includes required functionalities for compliance with GDPR regulations, such as: Anonymization of personal data enabling the client to exercise his right to be forgotten, Export of all personal data in paper or electronic format in case of client request and Auditing functionalities
- INvest2 Four-eye Module: Module for tracking and managing processes within INvest2. Enables linking the processes with authorization requests to ensure accuracy of information by double-checking.
- INvest2 API: INvest2 API (Application programming interface) package provides set of database procedures for retrieving fund members data, personal account transactions, general fund information etc. INvest2 API can be exposed through web application services.
- INvest2 Client Management Reporting Module: This module consists of many reports designed for notifying clients as well for monitoring business processes (personal account balance sheets, contracts, payment information, various types of fund statistics etc.).
- INvest2 Client Management Dashboard: Designed to provide a general overview of fund members and their contributions. Responsive and dashboard oriented, this module enables users to generate and analyse various statistical overviews and fund members distribution breakdown by territory, gender, age, sales channels, agents etc.
- INvest2 Portal: INvest2 Portal is a web module for fund members. Public part or INvest2 Portal is designed for publishing news and basic information about the company itself. Private part of web portal requires personal authentication and provides personal information such as account balance and personal data (addresses, e-mail, gsm etc.).
Investment Accounting
Financial accounting and reporting
Accounting module enables financial accounting procedures, providing accounting management for numerous funds, independently of financial accounting for the fund management company itself. You can generate required portfolio value, or value of any single group of financial securities in any time period through a user defined financial report. Provides balance sheets on a daily basis – values of all financial instruments (profit/loss calculation, exchange rate differences, accrued interest, etc.) are revalorized every day to give you an up to date balance sheet.